The Melbourne Inner North Performing Arts Academy provides homeschoolers with the highest levels of Music Education
We adhere closely to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards of Education and base our curriculum on a high teacher student ratio of one instructor per four children.
Music is uniquely an aural art form.
The essential nature of music is abstract. Music encompasses existing sounds that are selected and shaped; new sounds created by composers and performers, and the placement of sounds in time and space. Composers, performers and listeners perceive and define these sounds as music.
Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of human experience. Students’ active participation in music fosters understanding of other times, places, cultures and contexts. Through continuous and sequential music learning, students listen to, compose and perform with increasing depth and complexity. Through performing, composing and listening with intent to music, students have access to knowledge, skills and understanding, which can be gained in no other way. Learning in Music is aurally based and can be understood without any recourse to notation. Learning to read and write music in traditional and graphic forms enables students to access a wide range of music as independent learners.
Music has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential. Skills and techniques developed through participation in music learning allow students to manipulate, express and share sound as listeners, composers and performers. Music learning has a significant impact on the cognitive, affective, motor, social and personal competencies of students.
Music learning combines listening, performing and composing activities. These activities, developed sequentially, enhance students’ capacity to perceive and understand music. As students progress in their study of Music, they learn to value and appreciate the power of music to transform the heart, soul, mind and spirit of the individual. In this way students develop an aesthetic appreciation and enjoyment of music.
The Music curriculum aims to develop students’:
The Music curriculum is structured around four interdependent strands, each of which involves making and responding.
StrandExplore and Express IdeasMusic PracticesPresent and PerformRespond and Interpret
Focuses on exploring sound and silence and ways of using voice, body percussion, instruments and technologies to develop and express ideas. Students use listening skills and imagination to develop ideas in response to stimuli such as music they have listened to, observations, feelings, experiences and research. They
explore ways of using and manipulating and the elements of music and compositional
devices.Focuses on developing knowledge and understanding of skills, techniques and
processes for listening, composing and performing music from diverse cultures, times and locations. Students listen with intent, sing, play instruments and use notation and technologies to interpret, improvise, compose and document music.They practise and refine listening, technical and expressive skills as individuals and in ensembles and refine their work in response to feedback.
Focuses on planning, rehearsing and refining performances to communicate ideas and intentions to an audience. Students use voice, instruments, technologies and performance and expressive skills and techniques to perform solo and ensemble music.
Focuses on reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as listeners, composers and performers. Students use listening skills to discriminate, identify and describe qualities of sound and features of music. They interpret and analyse music from diverse cultures, times and locations and explore how contexts inform music and music making and how music connects with other art forms and disciplines.
Achievement standardsIn Music, students progress along a curriculum continuum that provides the first achievement standard at Foundation and then at Levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. A curriculum for students with disabilities is provided in this learning area.
A 'Towards Foundation Levels A to D' curriculum is provided for students with disabilities or additional learning needs in this curriculum area.
Learning in MusicIn Music, students listen to, compose and perform music in a wide range of styles from diverse cultures, times and locations. Listening underpins all music learning. Students compose and perform music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources, and digital technologies. As composers, they create music in different styles and forms exploring personal interests and given ideas. Students develop their ability to identify and describe, using terminology and symbols (notation), aspects of the music they listen to, compose and perform. Learning through Music is a continuous and sequential process, enabling the acquisition, development and revisiting of skills and knowledge with increasing depth and complexity
In Music, students’ exploration and understanding of the elements of music, compositional devices, musical conventions, styles and forms expands with their continued active engagement with music.
Across F-10, students listen to and perform music from a range of cultures, times and locations. In each band, students learn about increasingly complex forms of music as they make and respond to different musical styles and genres from a range of contexts. These may include different types of songs and instrumental genres, music in film and media, contemporary and new music trends, and folk and art music from varied cultures, times and. locations, traditions and styles.
Music learning begins with music experienced in students’ lives and community and draws on the histories, traditions and conventions of music from other places and times including Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, Asia and other world cultures. Students identify the purposes of music across cultures, times and locations.
For advice about how schools might implement the curriculum respectfully and with cultural awareness and understanding, please refer to the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI) Protocols for Koorie Education in Victorian Primary and Secondary schools and the Department of Education and Training's Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols (click here for a PDF copy).
As they engage with music from a broad range of styles, practices, traditions and contexts, students learn to recognise their preferences and consider diverse perspectives of music. This, in turn, informs the way in which they interpret music as performers and how they respond to the music they listen to. These experiences also inform students’ development of a unique musical voice as composers and their own style as performers.
Making and Responding in MusicCommon to all The Arts curriculum, each Arts discipline is based on two overarching principles:
Responding in Music involves students being audience members, listening to, enjoying, reflecting, analysing exploring, appreciating and evaluating.
Making and Responding are intrinsically connected. Together they provide students with knowledge, understanding and skills as artists and audience. As students make they consider both the audience and their own response to their work and as students respond they draw on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired through their experiences in making artworks and as audiences of other artists’ work.
In Music, both making and responding involve developing an aural understanding of the elements of music through experiences in listening, composing and performing. The elements of music work together and underpin all musical activity. Students learn to make music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources and technologies. Music is recorded and communicated as notation using symbols and terminology and as audio recordings.
Music practices
When making and responding, students develop musical skills through activities that draw on the practices of listening, composing and performing, separately and in combination.
The elements of music
Music is learned through developing skills and knowledge associated with the elements of music. Musical ideas are conceived, organised and shaped by aspects and combinations of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture.
As they make and respond in Music, students learn that responses are informed by different viewpoints and that these shift according to different world encounters. As students make, investigate or critique music as composers, performers and audiences, they may ask and answer questions to interrogate, explore and investigate the composers’ and performers’ intentions, and the audiences’ interpretations. Understandings and interpretations are informed by contexts and an understanding of how elements, materials, skills and processes are used. These questions provide the basis for making informed critical judgments about their own music and the music they interpret as musicians and listen to as audiences. In the later years, students will consider the interests and concerns of composers, performers and audiences regarding philosophies and ideologies, critical theories, institutions and psychology.
The initial materials of music are the voice and body, instruments and other sound sources. Additional materials include recorded music and scores, technologies such as recording and playback equipment and software, and spaces for creating, practising and performing.
Please contact us for more information [email protected]
We adhere closely to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards of Education and base our curriculum on a high teacher student ratio of one instructor per four children.
Music is uniquely an aural art form.
The essential nature of music is abstract. Music encompasses existing sounds that are selected and shaped; new sounds created by composers and performers, and the placement of sounds in time and space. Composers, performers and listeners perceive and define these sounds as music.
Music exists distinctively in every culture and is a basic expression of human experience. Students’ active participation in music fosters understanding of other times, places, cultures and contexts. Through continuous and sequential music learning, students listen to, compose and perform with increasing depth and complexity. Through performing, composing and listening with intent to music, students have access to knowledge, skills and understanding, which can be gained in no other way. Learning in Music is aurally based and can be understood without any recourse to notation. Learning to read and write music in traditional and graphic forms enables students to access a wide range of music as independent learners.
Music has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential. Skills and techniques developed through participation in music learning allow students to manipulate, express and share sound as listeners, composers and performers. Music learning has a significant impact on the cognitive, affective, motor, social and personal competencies of students.
Music learning combines listening, performing and composing activities. These activities, developed sequentially, enhance students’ capacity to perceive and understand music. As students progress in their study of Music, they learn to value and appreciate the power of music to transform the heart, soul, mind and spirit of the individual. In this way students develop an aesthetic appreciation and enjoyment of music.
The Music curriculum aims to develop students’:
- confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians
- skills to listen, improvise, compose, interpret, perform, and respond with intent and purpose
- aesthetic knowledge and respect for music and music practices across global communities, cultures and musical traditions
- understanding of music as an aural art form, its relationship with other arts forms and contributions to cultures and societies.
The Music curriculum is structured around four interdependent strands, each of which involves making and responding.
StrandExplore and Express IdeasMusic PracticesPresent and PerformRespond and Interpret
Focuses on exploring sound and silence and ways of using voice, body percussion, instruments and technologies to develop and express ideas. Students use listening skills and imagination to develop ideas in response to stimuli such as music they have listened to, observations, feelings, experiences and research. They
explore ways of using and manipulating and the elements of music and compositional
devices.Focuses on developing knowledge and understanding of skills, techniques and
processes for listening, composing and performing music from diverse cultures, times and locations. Students listen with intent, sing, play instruments and use notation and technologies to interpret, improvise, compose and document music.They practise and refine listening, technical and expressive skills as individuals and in ensembles and refine their work in response to feedback.
Focuses on planning, rehearsing and refining performances to communicate ideas and intentions to an audience. Students use voice, instruments, technologies and performance and expressive skills and techniques to perform solo and ensemble music.
Focuses on reflecting, questioning, analysing and evaluating as listeners, composers and performers. Students use listening skills to discriminate, identify and describe qualities of sound and features of music. They interpret and analyse music from diverse cultures, times and locations and explore how contexts inform music and music making and how music connects with other art forms and disciplines.
Achievement standardsIn Music, students progress along a curriculum continuum that provides the first achievement standard at Foundation and then at Levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. A curriculum for students with disabilities is provided in this learning area.
A 'Towards Foundation Levels A to D' curriculum is provided for students with disabilities or additional learning needs in this curriculum area.
Learning in MusicIn Music, students listen to, compose and perform music in a wide range of styles from diverse cultures, times and locations. Listening underpins all music learning. Students compose and perform music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources, and digital technologies. As composers, they create music in different styles and forms exploring personal interests and given ideas. Students develop their ability to identify and describe, using terminology and symbols (notation), aspects of the music they listen to, compose and perform. Learning through Music is a continuous and sequential process, enabling the acquisition, development and revisiting of skills and knowledge with increasing depth and complexity
In Music, students’ exploration and understanding of the elements of music, compositional devices, musical conventions, styles and forms expands with their continued active engagement with music.
Across F-10, students listen to and perform music from a range of cultures, times and locations. In each band, students learn about increasingly complex forms of music as they make and respond to different musical styles and genres from a range of contexts. These may include different types of songs and instrumental genres, music in film and media, contemporary and new music trends, and folk and art music from varied cultures, times and. locations, traditions and styles.
Music learning begins with music experienced in students’ lives and community and draws on the histories, traditions and conventions of music from other places and times including Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, Asia and other world cultures. Students identify the purposes of music across cultures, times and locations.
For advice about how schools might implement the curriculum respectfully and with cultural awareness and understanding, please refer to the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI) Protocols for Koorie Education in Victorian Primary and Secondary schools and the Department of Education and Training's Koorie Cross-Curricular Protocols (click here for a PDF copy).
As they engage with music from a broad range of styles, practices, traditions and contexts, students learn to recognise their preferences and consider diverse perspectives of music. This, in turn, informs the way in which they interpret music as performers and how they respond to the music they listen to. These experiences also inform students’ development of a unique musical voice as composers and their own style as performers.
Making and Responding in MusicCommon to all The Arts curriculum, each Arts discipline is based on two overarching principles:
- students learn as artist and as audience
- students learn through making and responding.
Responding in Music involves students being audience members, listening to, enjoying, reflecting, analysing exploring, appreciating and evaluating.
Making and Responding are intrinsically connected. Together they provide students with knowledge, understanding and skills as artists and audience. As students make they consider both the audience and their own response to their work and as students respond they draw on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired through their experiences in making artworks and as audiences of other artists’ work.
In Music, both making and responding involve developing an aural understanding of the elements of music through experiences in listening, composing and performing. The elements of music work together and underpin all musical activity. Students learn to make music using the voice, body, instruments, found sound sources and technologies. Music is recorded and communicated as notation using symbols and terminology and as audio recordings.
Music practices
When making and responding, students develop musical skills through activities that draw on the practices of listening, composing and performing, separately and in combination.
- Listening is the process through which students experience and learn music. This includes listening to, analysing and comparing a range of repertoire. Students develop listening skills and techniques for discriminating, identifying, interpreting and applying musical concepts.
- Composing is a broad term for creating original music. In education settings this involves improvising, organising musical ideas, creating accompaniment patterns, and arranging and writing original works, either individually or collaboratively.
- Performing involves playing instruments, singing or manipulating sound using technology, either as an individual or ensemble member. This includes learning and interpreting songs, instrumental pieces, accompaniments, and works composed by self and others. Audiences can include the teacher, peers, the wider school community and public audiences.
The elements of music
Music is learned through developing skills and knowledge associated with the elements of music. Musical ideas are conceived, organised and shaped by aspects and combinations of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture.
As they make and respond in Music, students learn that responses are informed by different viewpoints and that these shift according to different world encounters. As students make, investigate or critique music as composers, performers and audiences, they may ask and answer questions to interrogate, explore and investigate the composers’ and performers’ intentions, and the audiences’ interpretations. Understandings and interpretations are informed by contexts and an understanding of how elements, materials, skills and processes are used. These questions provide the basis for making informed critical judgments about their own music and the music they interpret as musicians and listen to as audiences. In the later years, students will consider the interests and concerns of composers, performers and audiences regarding philosophies and ideologies, critical theories, institutions and psychology.
The initial materials of music are the voice and body, instruments and other sound sources. Additional materials include recorded music and scores, technologies such as recording and playback equipment and software, and spaces for creating, practising and performing.
Please contact us for more information [email protected]